Καλή Παρέα Seniors Fellowship
/ Parish Life / Καλή Παρέα Seniors Fellowship

"Καλή Παρέα" Seniors group!

This group provides a great opportunity for seniors in our community to come together, socialize, and enjoy new experiences in a warm and welcoming environment. It is open to all men and women of our Hamilton community, and there is no cost to participate.

Participants have the opportunity to engage in lively conversations and build meaningful connections with fellow members of our community; participate in a variety of activities designed to entertain and inspire; and enjoy complimentary snacks and drinks as they relax and enjoy the company of friends.

Time: Every Monday from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM

Place: Small Hall across from St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church, Hamilton.

Contact: Artemis Takis 905-929-5821, or Stella Psarakis, 905 928 5652

St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church
22 Head St.
Hamilton, Ontario   L8P 1R9

  • Wed

    St. Philothea of Athens
    6:30 PM - Bible Study
  • Sat

    Soul Saturday
    9:00-11:00 AM Orthros and Divine Liturgy with Trisagion
  • Sun

    Meat-fare Sunday
    9:00-11:30 AM Orthros and Divine Liturgy

St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church
22 Head St.
Hamilton, Ontario. L8P 1R9